I was quite nervous about sharing this post, probably because it’s the most personal one I’ve wrote so far, but if you follow me on Instagram you may have noticed our little announcement a few weeks ago that Matthew and I are expecting! By no means will this blog be turning into a mummy blog {surely there is an acronym for this now?!} but I thought with baby Mudwellies going to be and already being such a huge part of our lives it was only right that he/she got their own introduction story ….
Matthew and I had begun thinking about starting a family for a while now and coming into 2019, having been married for 2 ½ years, it seemed like it was the right time. We had already achieved so much in our time as husband and wife, what with graduating from my postgraduate studies, relocating homeward to Exmoor, finding our dream home and of course slowly adding to our menagerie. We felt ready for the next step.

After consideration, we decided to wait until after my Sister got married at the end of March before we started ‘trying’ {to note I hate the word and its connotations I think it puts so much pressure on people we were simply… going with the flow!}. Knowing that these things can take time but could also happen very suddenly, and we didn’t want the awkwardness of trying to hide anything from my entire extended family. It turns out it was a good job too, because we were extremely lucky in the fact that no sooner had we officially begun going with the flow did we conceive!! Finding out that baby Mudwellies was more than a thought however, was a little trickier.
In early June, with the imminent arrival of our very good friends to stay for the weekend I decided to take a pregnancy test, to see whether there would be drinks flowing, or not. Coming back negative {as we thought it would although still slightly disappointed} we poured a gin and tonic and looked forward to the weekend ahead. A week later and I was late, I assumed this was my body getting back into its normal rhythm having been on the pill for a while but took a test to be sure; negative. So again, we carried on as normal and I didn’t really think twice about the slight body changes I was noticing. But fast forward to the end of June, I felt awful!! I had constant nausea and sickness, I couldn’t eat almost anything but put it down to a bug considering morning sickness doesn’t normally kick in till around week 6 and I had a negative test only 2 weeks ago!

Determined it was just a bug, we flew to Italy for a friend’s wedding on the last day of June, as I packed the bags I slipped a pregnancy test in, just in case {maybe at that point I should have twigged}. We landed in Venice for a few days before driving to Lake Garda and finally onto Impruneta for the big event. Looking back on it, how on earth I managed to walk almost 20 miles around Venice on one of the hottest weekends in 2019 feeling the way I did, I’ll never know. It wasn’t until we arrived in Lake Garda however, that Matthew said to me “do you think we should take another test?!” So, following a stroll around Sirmone where we stayed, I grabbed the test from my bag and ran to the bathroom. After taking it, I placed it on the side out of sight not wanting to see anything before those long three minutes were up. To keep our minds occupied, Matthew and I started cooking dinner {which as usual for the last few weeks I couldn’t stomach} this time however, the timer wasn’t for the pasta but rather one very important pregnancy test. There it was, clear as day a very strong, bold line – Positive!
Suddenly my mind clicked – so that would explain a lot! The next day we got up and drove straight to a pharmacy to buy a digital test as we wanted to know how far along we were. I took the test as soon as we returned and there it was, that little word INCINTA {aka pregnant in Italian} we laughed, cried and just beamed with joy. Since then we have referred to bump as ‘our little incinta’.

In hindsight, it’s so silly that it took me so long to realise but in my head the dates didn’t match up and Bramble & Clover’s constant want to sit on my stomach was simply their love for me nothing more! Ha. But truly, Matthew and I couldn’t be happier and are looking forward to adding one more pitter-patter of feet to the family.
I’ll share more on the nursery renovations when its finished but for now I better get on prepping the dogs for their new big sister roles, sorting sheep care for when they’re in lamb and there is the small matter of getting one miniature Shetland backed – Sven watch out!
Yours Daisy x
How lovely Daisyxxx
Thank you so much!! xx